// MimeType.java // $Id$ // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.www.mime; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is used to represent parsed MIME types. * It creates this representation from a string based representation of * the MIME type, as defined in the RFC 1345. */ public class MimeType implements Serializable, Cloneable { /** * List of well known MIME types: */ public static MimeType TEXT_HTML = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_POSTSCRIPT = null; public static MimeType TEXT_PLAIN = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = null; public static MimeType MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_X_JAVA_AGENT = null; public static MimeType MESSAGE_HTTP = null; public static MimeType TEXT_CSS = null; public static MimeType TEXT_XML = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_XML = null; public static MimeType TEXT = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_RDF_XML = null; public static MimeType APPLICATION_XHTML_XML = null; public static String star = "*".intern(); static { try { TEXT_HTML = new MimeType("text/html"); APPLICATION_POSTSCRIPT = new MimeType("application/postscript"); TEXT_PLAIN = new MimeType("text/plain"); APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED = new MimeType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = new MimeType("application/octet-stream"); MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = new MimeType("multipart/form-data"); APPLICATION_X_JAVA_AGENT = new MimeType("application/x-java-agent"); MESSAGE_HTTP = new MimeType("message/http"); TEXT_CSS = new MimeType("text/css"); TEXT_XML = new MimeType("text/xml"); TEXT = new MimeType("text/*"); APPLICATION_RDF_XML = new MimeType("application/rdf+xml"); APPLICATION_XHTML_XML = new MimeType("application/xhtml+xml"); APPLICATION_XML = new MimeType("application/xml"); } catch (MimeTypeFormatException e) { System.out.println("httpd.MimeType: invalid static init."); System.exit(1); } } public final static int NO_MATCH = -1; public final static int MATCH_TYPE = 1; public final static int MATCH_SPECIFIC_TYPE = 2; public final static int MATCH_SUBTYPE = 3; public final static int MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE = 4; /** * String representation of type * * @serial */ protected String type = null; /** * String representation of subtype * * @serial */ protected String subtype = null; /** * parameter names * * @serial */ protected String pnames[] = null; /** * parameter values * * @serial */ protected String pvalues[] = null; /** * external form of this mime type * * @serial */ protected String external = null; /** * How good the given MimeType matches the receiver of the method ? * This method returns a matching level among: *
Types not matching,
Types match,
Types match exactly,
Types match, subtypes matches too
Types match, subtypes matches exactly
* The matches are ranked from worst match to best match, a simple * Max ( match[i], matched) will give the best match. * * @param other The other MimeType to match against ourself. */ public int match(MimeType other) { int match = NO_MATCH; // match types: if ((type == star) || (other.type == star)) { return MATCH_TYPE; } else if (type != other.type) { return NO_MATCH; } else { match = MATCH_SPECIFIC_TYPE; } // match subtypes: if ((subtype == star) || (other.subtype == star)) { match = MATCH_SUBTYPE; } else if (subtype != other.subtype) { return NO_MATCH; } else { match = MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE; } return match; } /** * Find out if mime types are equivalent, based on heuristics * like text/xml <=> application/xml and other problems related * to format that may have multiple mime types. * Note that text/html and application/xhtml+xml are not exactly * the same * * @param mtype, a MimeType * @return a boolean, true if the two mime types are equivalent */ public boolean equiv(MimeType mtype) { if (match(mtype) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE) { return true; } if ((match(TEXT_XML) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE) || (match(APPLICATION_XML) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE)) { if ((mtype.match(TEXT_XML) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE) || (mtype.match(APPLICATION_XML) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * A printable representation of this MimeType. * The printed representation is guaranteed to be parseable by the * String constructor. */ public String toString() { if (external == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(type); sb.append((char) '/'); sb.append(subtype); if (pnames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pnames.length; i++) { sb.append(';'); sb.append(pnames[i]); if (pvalues[i] != null) { sb.append('='); sb.append(pvalues[i]); } } } external = sb.toString().intern(); } return external; } /** * Does this MIME type has some value for the given parameter ? * * @param name The parameter to check. * @return True if this parameter has a value, false * otherwise. */ public boolean hasParameter(String name) { if (name != null) { if (pnames != null) { String lname = name.toLowerCase(); for (String pname : pnames) { if (pname.equals(name)) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get the major type of this mime type. * * @return The major type, encoded as a String. */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * Get the minor type (subtype) of this mime type. * * @return The minor or subtype encoded as a String. */ public String getSubtype() { return subtype; } /** * Get a mime type parameter value. * * @param name The parameter whose value is to be returned. * @return The parameter value, or null if not found. */ public String getParameterValue(String name) { if (name != null) { if (pnames != null) { String lname = name.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < pnames.length; i++) { if (pnames[i].equals(lname)) return pvalues[i]; } } } return null; } /** * adds some parameters to a MimeType * * @param param a String array of parameter names * @param values the corresponding String array of values */ public void addParameters(String[] param, String[] values) { // sanity check if ((param == null) || (values == null) || (values.length != param.length)) return; if (pnames == null) { pnames = param; pvalues = values; } else { String[] nparam = new String[pnames.length + param.length]; String[] nvalues = new String[pvalues.length + values.length]; System.arraycopy(pnames, 0, nparam, 0, pnames.length); System.arraycopy(param, 0, nparam, pnames.length, param.length); System.arraycopy(pvalues, 0, nvalues, 0, pvalues.length); System.arraycopy(values, 0, nvalues, pvalues.length, values.length); pnames = nparam; pvalues = nvalues; } for (int i = 0; i < pnames.length; i++) { pnames[i] = pnames[i].toLowerCase(); } external = null; } /** * get a clone of this object * * @return another cloned instance of MimeType */ public MimeType getClone() { try { return (MimeType) clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { // should never happen as we are Cloneable! } // never reached return null; } /** * adds a parameter to a MimeType * * @param param the parameter name, as a String * @param value the parameter value, as a Sting */ public void addParameter(String param, String value) { String[] p = new String[1]; String[] v = new String[1]; p[0] = param; v[0] = value; addParameters(p, v); } /** * Set the parameter to a MimeType (replace old value if any). * * @param param the parameter name, as a String * @param value the parameter value, as a Sting */ public void setParameter(String param, String value) { if (pnames == null) { addParameter(param, value); } else { String lparam = param.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < pnames.length; i++) { if (pnames[i].equals(lparam)) { pvalues[i] = value; return; } } addParameter(lparam, value); } } /** * Construct MimeType object for the given string. * The string should be the representation of the type. This methods * tries to be compliant with HTTP1.1, p 15, although it is not * (because of quoted-text not being accepted). * FIXME * * @return A MimeType object * @throws MimeTypeFormatException if the string couldn't be parsed. * @parameter spec A string representing a MimeType */ public MimeType(String spec) throws MimeTypeFormatException { int strl = spec.length(); int start = 0, look = -1; // skip leading/trailing blanks: while ((start < strl) && (spec.charAt(start)) <= ' ') start++; while ((strl > start) && (spec.charAt(strl - 1) <= ' ')) strl--; // get the type: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((start < strl) && ((look = spec.charAt(start)) != '/')) { sb.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) look)); start++; } if (look != '/') throw new MimeTypeFormatException(spec); this.type = sb.toString().intern(); // get the subtype: start++; sb.setLength(0); while ((start < strl) && ((look = spec.charAt(start)) > ' ') && (look != ';')) { sb.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) look)); start++; } this.subtype = sb.toString().intern(); // get parameters, if any: while ((start < strl) && ((look = spec.charAt(start)) <= ' ')) start++; if (start < strl) { if (spec.charAt(start) != ';') throw new MimeTypeFormatException(spec); start++; ArrayList vp = new ArrayList(4); ArrayList vv = new ArrayList(4); while (start < strl) { while ((start < strl) && (spec.charAt(start) <= ' ')) start++; // get parameter name: sb.setLength(0); while ((start < strl) && ((look = spec.charAt(start)) > ' ') && (look != '=')) { sb.append(Character.toLowerCase((char) look)); start++; } String name = sb.toString(); // get the value: while ((start < strl) && (spec.charAt(start) <= ' ')) start++; if (spec.charAt(start) != '=') throw new MimeTypeFormatException(spec); start++; while ((start < strl) && ((spec.charAt(start) == '"') || (spec.charAt(start) <= ' '))) start++; sb.setLength(0); while ((start < strl) && ((look = spec.charAt(start)) > ' ') && (look != ';') && (look != '"')) { sb.append((char) look); start++; } while ((start < strl) && (spec.charAt(start) != ';')) start++; start++; String value = sb.toString(); vp.add(name); vv.add(value); } this.pnames = vp.toArray(new String[vp.size()]); this.pvalues = vv.toArray(new String[vv.size()]); } } public MimeType(String type, String subtype , String pnames[], String pvalues[]) { this.type = type.toLowerCase().intern(); this.subtype = subtype.toLowerCase().intern(); this.pnames = pnames; this.pvalues = pvalues; } public MimeType(String type, String subtype) { this.type = type.toLowerCase().intern(); this.subtype = subtype.toLowerCase().intern(); } public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length == 1) { MimeType type = null; try { type = new MimeType(args[0]); } catch (MimeTypeFormatException e) { } if (type != null) { System.out.println(type); if (type.getClone().match(type) == MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE) { System.out.println("Clone OK"); } else { System.out.println("Cloning failed"); } } else { System.out.println("Invalid mime type specification."); } } else { System.out.println("Usage: java MimeType "); } } }