Some HTTP Client stack fixes, avoiding conflicting Connection headers FIxed some deadlocks in HTTP Client stack induced by bad network connectivity Fixed URI calculation in RedirecterFrame Fixed JigsawHttpServletResponse, it now checks that the stream has been commited before (wrongly) barfing Fixed Base64Decoder based on Jeffery Collins original patch Fixed JigsawHttpServletRequest getCharacterEncoding to return null when undefined instead of the iso-8859-1 default. Implemented JigsawHttpServletRequest setEncoding and other servlet 2.3 API methods Fixed ContentLengthInputStream, it now send an IOException when the stream is cut too early in read() Fixed HttpURLConnection getContentType was raising an exception rather than returning null Added a way to optimize by not unloading big stores, depending on a tunable limit. Ensure that keys in the ResourceStoreManager are not used twice when generated Fixed the default encoding used in JigsawHttpServletResponse per servlet 2.3 javadoc Solved the deadlock problem with negotiated frame, directory listing, and everything that needs backward traversal of the resource tree.