// // $Id$ // From Philippe Le Hegaret (Philippe.Le_Hegaret@sophia.inria.fr) // // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio, 2003. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html /* This class is the front end of the CSS parser */ package org.w3c.css.parser; import org.w3c.css.atrules.css.AtRuleImport; import org.w3c.css.atrules.css.AtRuleMedia; import org.w3c.css.atrules.css.AtRuleNamespace; import org.w3c.css.atrules.css.media.MediaFeature; import org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetOrigin; import org.w3c.css.parser.analyzer.CssParser; import org.w3c.css.parser.analyzer.CssParserTokenManager; import org.w3c.css.parser.analyzer.ParseException; import org.w3c.css.parser.analyzer.TokenMgrError; import org.w3c.css.properties.PropertiesLoader; import org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssProperty; import org.w3c.css.properties.css3.CssCustomProperty; import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext; import org.w3c.css.util.CssVersion; import org.w3c.css.util.HTTPURL; import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException; import org.w3c.css.util.Util; import org.w3c.css.util.WarningParamException; import org.w3c.css.util.Warnings; import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValue; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Reader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is a front end of the CSS1 parser. *


* Example:
* * CssFouffa parser = * new CssFouffa(new URL("http://www.w3.org/drafts.css"));
* CssValidatorListener myListener = new MyParserListener();
* parser.addListener(myListener);
* parser.parseStyle();
* * @version $Revision$ */ public final class CssFouffa extends CssParser { // all properties CssPropertyFactory properties = null; // all listeners ArrayList listeners; // all errors Errors errors; // origin of the style sheet int origin; ArrayList visited = null; /** * Create a new CssFouffa with a data input and a begin line number. * * @param ac The validation context * @param reader The data stream reader * @param file The source file (use for errors, warnings and import) * @param beginLine The begin line number in the file. (used for HTML for example) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, Reader reader, URL file, int beginLine) throws IOException { super(reader); if (ac.getOrigin() == -1) { setOrigin(StyleSheetOrigin.AUTHOR); // default is user } else { setOrigin(ac.getOrigin()); // default is user } ac.setFrame(new Frame(this, file.toString(), beginLine, ac.getWarningLevel())); setApplContext(ac); // @@this is a default media ... /* * AtRuleMedia media = new AtRuleMedia(); * * if (ac.getMedium() == null) { try { media.addMedia("all", ac); } * catch (InvalidParamException e) {} //ignore } else { try { * media.addMedia(ac.getMedium(), ac); } catch (Exception e) { * System.err.println(e.getMessage()); try { media.addMedia("all", ac); } * catch (InvalidParamException ex) {} //ignore } } setAtRule(media); */ setURL(file); if (Util.onDebug) { System.err.println("[DEBUG] CSS version " + ac.getCssVersionString() + " medium " + ac.getMedium() + " at-rule " + getAtRule() + " profile " + ac.getProfileString()); } // load the CssStyle String spec = ac.getPropertyKey(); String classStyle; classStyle = PropertiesLoader.config.getProperty(spec); if (classStyle == null) { spec = CssVersion.getDefault().toString(); classStyle = PropertiesLoader.config.getProperty(spec); } Class style; try { style = Class.forName(classStyle); ac.setCssSelectorsStyle(style); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("org.w3c.css.parser.CssFouffa: couldn't" + " load the style"); e.printStackTrace(); } properties = new CssPropertyFactory(spec); listeners = new ArrayList(); } /** * Create a new CssFouffa with a data input and a begin line number. * * @param input data input * @param file The source file (use for errors, warnings and import) * @param beginLine The begin line number in the file. (used for HTML for example) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, InputStream input, String charset, URL file, int beginLine) throws IOException { this(ac, new InputStreamReader(input, (charset == null) ? "iso-8859-1" : charset), file, beginLine); } /** * Create a new CssFouffa with a data input. * * @param input data input * @param file The source file (use for errors, warnings and import) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, InputStream input, URL file) throws IOException { this(ac, input, (ac.getCharsetForURL(file) != null) ? ac.getCharsetForURL(file) : "iso-8859-1", file, 0); } /** * Create a new CssFouffa. * * @param file The source file (use for data input, errors, warnings and * import) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, URL file) throws IOException { this(ac, HTTPURL.getConnection(file, ac)); } /** * Create a new CssFouffa. internal, to get the URLCOnnection and fill the * URL with the relevant one */ private CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, URLConnection uco) throws IOException { this(ac, HTTPURL.getInputStream(ac, uco), HTTPURL.getCharacterEncoding(ac, uco), uco.getURL(), 0); String httpCL = uco.getHeaderField("Content-Location"); if (httpCL != null) { setURL(HTTPURL.getURL(getURL(), httpCL)); } } /** * Create a new CssFouffa. Used by handleImport. * * @param in The source input stream (use for data input, errors, * warnings and import) * @param listeners Works with this listeners * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ private CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, InputStream in, URL url, ArrayList listeners, ArrayList urlvisited, CssPropertyFactory cssfactory, boolean mode) throws IOException { this(ac, in, ac.getCharsetForURL(url), url, 0); this.visited = urlvisited; setURL(url); ac.setFrame(new Frame(this, url.toString(), ac.getWarningLevel())); setApplContext(ac); this.listeners = listeners; this.properties = cssfactory; this.mode = mode; } private void ReInit(ApplContext ac, InputStream input, URL file, Frame frame) { // reinitialize the parser with a new data input // and a new frame for errors and warnings super.ReInitWithAc(input, ac, ac.getCharsetForURL(file)); // @@this is a default media ... // AtRuleMedia media; // if ("css1".equals(ac.getCssVersionString())) { // media = new AtRuleMediaCSS1(); // } else if ("css2".equals(ac.getCssVersionString())) { // media = new AtRuleMedia(); // } else { // media = new AtRuleMedia(); // } /* * if (ac.getMedium() == null) { try { media.addMedia("all", ac); } * catch (InvalidParamException e) {} //ignore } else { try { * media.addMedia(ac.getMedium(), ac); } catch (Exception e) { * System.err.println(e.getMessage()); try { media.addMedia("all", ac); } * catch (InvalidParamException ex) {} //ignore } } setAtRule(media); */ setURL(file); if (Util.onDebug) { System.err.println("[DEBUG] CSS version " + ac.getCssVersionString() + " medium " + ac.getMedium() + " profile " + ac.getProfileString()); } String spec = ac.getPropertyKey(); // load the CssStyle String classStyle = PropertiesLoader.config.getProperty(spec); if (classStyle == null) { spec = CssVersion.getDefault().toString(); classStyle = PropertiesLoader.config.getProperty(spec); } Class style; try { style = Class.forName(classStyle); ac.setCssSelectorsStyle(style); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("org.w3c.css.parser.CssFouffa: couldn't" + " load the style"); e.printStackTrace(); } properties = new CssPropertyFactory(spec); // loadConfig(ac.getCssVersionString(), ac.getProfileString()); } /** * Reinitializes a new CssFouffa with a data input and a begin line number. * * @param input data input * @param file The source file (use for errors, warnings and import) * @param beginLine The begin line number in the file. (used for HTML for example) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public void ReInit(ApplContext ac, InputStream input, URL file, int beginLine) throws IOException { Frame f = new Frame(this, file.toString(), beginLine, ac.getWarningLevel()); ac.setFrame(f); ReInit(ac, input, file, f); } /** * Reinitializes a new CssFouffa with a data input. * * @param input data input * @param file The source file (use for errors, warnings and import) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public void ReInit(ApplContext ac, InputStream input, URL file) throws IOException { Frame f = new Frame(this, file.toString(), ac.getWarningLevel()); ac.setFrame(f); ReInit(ac, input, file, f); } /** * Reinitializes a new CssFouffa. * * @param file The source file (use for data input, errors, warnings and * import) * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public void ReInit(ApplContext ac, URL file) throws IOException { InputStream is; URL url; Frame f; f = new Frame(this, file.toString(), ac.getWarningLevel()); ac.setFrame(f); if (ac.isInputFake()) { is = ac.getFakeInputStream(file); url = file; } else { URLConnection urlC = HTTPURL.getConnection(file, ac); is = HTTPURL.getInputStream(ac, urlC); url = urlC.getURL(); } ReInit(ac, is, url, f); } /** * Set the attribute origin * * @param origin the new value for the attribute */ private final void setOrigin(int origin) { this.origin = origin; } /** * Returns the attribute origin * * @return the value of the attribute */ public final int getOrigin() { return origin; } /** * Adds a listener to the parser. * * @param listener The listener * @see org.w3c.css.parser.CssValidatorListener */ public final void addListener(CssValidatorListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a listener from the parser * * @param listener The listener * @see org.w3c.css.parser.CssValidatorListener */ public final void removeListener(CssValidatorListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Parse the style sheet. This is the main function of this parser. *


* Example:
* * CssFouffa parser = new CssFouffa(new * URL("http://www.w3.org/drafts.css"));
* CssValidatorListener myListener = new MyParserListener();
* parser.addListener(myListener);
* parser.parseStyle();
* * @see org.w3c.css.parser.CssFouffa#addListener */ public void parseStyle() { try { parserUnit(); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { if (Util.onDebug) { e.printStackTrace(); } RuntimeException ne = new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); ne.fillInStackTrace(); throw (ne); } Errors errors = ac.getFrame().getErrors(); Warnings warnings = ac.getFrame().getWarnings(); // That's all folks, notify all errors and warnings for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.notifyErrors(errors); listener.notifyWarnings(warnings); } } /** * Call the namespace declaration statement * * @param url, the style sheet where this declaration statement appears. * @param prefix, the namespace prefix * @param nsname, the file/url name in the declaration statement * @param is_url, if the nsname is a file or an url */ public void handleNamespaceDeclaration(URL url, String prefix, String nsname, boolean is_url) { AtRuleNamespace nsrule = new AtRuleNamespace(prefix, nsname, is_url); newAtRule(nsrule); endOfAtRule(); // add the NS in the global context definition ac.setNamespace(url, prefix, nsname); } /** * Call by the import statement. * * @param url The style sheet where this import statement appears. * @param file the file name in the import statement */ public void handleImport(URL url, String file, boolean is_url, AtRuleMedia media) { // CssError cssError = null; AtRuleImport importrule = new AtRuleImport(file, is_url, media); newAtRule(importrule); endOfAtRule(); URL importedURL; try { importedURL = HTTPURL.getURL(url, file); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { if (!Util.noErrorTrace) { ac.getFrame() .addError(new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), mue)); } return; } // add it to the list of linked URIs // only if it was a string (otherwise the URI is already there // as CssURL contains code to add it directly if (!is_url) { ac.addLinkedURI(importedURL); } // check if we need to follow it if (!ac.followlinks()) { // TODO add a warning ? return; } //if it's not permitted to import... (direct input) if (url.getProtocol().equals("file")) { ac.getFrame().addWarning("unsupported-import"); return; } try { String surl = importedURL.toString(); if (visited == null) { visited = new ArrayList(); } else { // check that we didn't already got this URL, or that the // number of imports is not exploding if (visited.contains(surl)) { CssError cerr = new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), new Exception( "Import loop" + " detected in " + surl)); ac.getFrame().addError(cerr); return; } else if (visited.size() > 42) { CssError cerr = new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), new Exception("Maximum number" + " of imports " + "reached")); ac.getFrame().addError(cerr); return; } } ArrayList newVisited = new ArrayList(visited); newVisited.add(surl); if (Util.importSecurity) { throw new FileNotFoundException("[SECURITY] You can't " + "import URL sorry."); } URLConnection importURL = HTTPURL.getConnection(importedURL, ac); String charset = HTTPURL.getCharacterEncoding(ac, importURL); if (importURL instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection httpURL = (HttpURLConnection) importURL; String httpCL = httpURL.getHeaderField("Content-Location"); if (httpCL != null) { importedURL = HTTPURL.getURL(importedURL, httpCL); } String mtype = httpURL.getContentType(); if (mtype == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(importURL.getURL() + "No Media Type defined"); } else { if (mtype.toLowerCase().indexOf("text/html") != -1) { throw new FileNotFoundException(importURL.getURL() + ": You can't import" + " an HTML document"); } } } Frame f = ac.getFrame(); try { CssFouffa cssFouffa = new CssFouffa(ac, HTTPURL.getInputStream(ac, importURL), importedURL, listeners, newVisited, properties, mode); cssFouffa.setOrigin(getOrigin()); if (!media.isEmpty()) { cssFouffa.setAtRule(media); } else { cssFouffa.setAtRule(getAtRule()); } cssFouffa.parseStyle(); } finally { ac.setFrame(f); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!Util.noErrorTrace) { ac.getFrame() .addError(new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), e)); } } } /** * Call by the at-rule statement. * * @param ident The ident for this at-rule (for example: 'font-face') * @param string The string representation of this at-rule */ public void handleAtRule(String ident, String string) { if (mode) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.handleAtRule(ac, ident, string); } } else { if (!Util.noErrorTrace) { // only @import ; or @import ; are valids in CSS1 ParseException error = new ParseException("at-rules are not implemented in CSS1"); ac.getFrame() .addError(new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), error)); } } } /** * Treat the "\9" CSS declaration hack as a vendor extension warning * rather than a fatal error? */ private boolean allowBackslash9Hack() { return this.ac.getTreatCssHacksAsWarnings(); } /** * Assign an expression to a property. This function create a new property * with property and assign to it the expression with the * importance. * * @param property the name of the property * @param expression The expression representation of expression * @param important true if expression id important * @return a CssProperty * @throw InvalidParamException * An error appears during the property creation. */ public CssProperty handleDeclaration(String property, CssExpression expression, boolean important) throws InvalidParamException { CssProperty prop; if (Util.onDebug) { System.err.println("Creating " + property + ": " + expression); } if (property.startsWith("--") && (ac.getCssVersion().compareTo(CssVersion.CSS3) >= 0)) { prop = new CssCustomProperty(ac, property, expression); // css variable } else { final CssValue lastValue = expression.getLastValue(); if (allowBackslash9Hack() && lastValue != null && lastValue.hasBackslash9Hack()) { expression.markCssHack(); } try { prop = properties.createProperty(ac, getAtRule(), property, expression); } catch (InvalidParamException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (Util.onDebug) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new InvalidParamException(e.toString(), ac); } // set the importance if (important) { prop.setImportant(); } } prop.setOrigin(origin); // set informations for errors and warnings prop.setInfo(ac.getFrame().getLine(), ac.getFrame().getSourceFile()); // ok, return the new property return prop; } /** * Assign an expression to a MediaFeature. This function create a new * media feature with feature and assign to it the expression * * @param feature the name of the media feature * @param expression The expression representation of expression * @return a CssProperty * @throw InvalidParamException * An error appears during the property creation. */ public MediaFeature handleMediaFeature(AtRuleMedia rule, String feature, CssExpression expression) throws InvalidParamException { MediaFeature mf; if (Util.onDebug) { System.err.println("Creating MediaFeature" + feature + ": " + expression); } try { mf = properties.createMediaFeature(ac, rule, feature, expression); } catch (WarningParamException w) { ac.getFrame().addWarning(w.getMessage(), feature); return null; } catch (InvalidParamException e) { ac.getFrame().addError(new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), e)); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (Util.onDebug) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new InvalidParamException(e.toString(), ac); } mf.setOrigin(origin); // set informations for errors and warnings mf.setInfo(ac.getFrame().getLine(), ac.getFrame().getSourceFile()); // ok, return the new property return mf; } /** * Parse only a list of declarations. This is useful to parse the * STYLE attribute in a HTML document. *


* Example:
* * CssFouffa parser = * new CssFouffa(new URL("http://www.w3.org/drafts.css"));
* CssValidatorListener myListener = new MyParserListener();
* CssSelector selector = new CssSelector(); * selector.setElement("H1"); *
* parser.addListener(myListener);
* parser.parseDeclarations(selector);
* * @param context The current context * @see org.w3c.css.parser.CssFouffa#addListener */ public void parseDeclarations(CssSelectors context) { // here we have an example for reusing the parser. try { ArrayList properties = attributeDeclarations(); if (properties != null && properties.size() != 0) { handleRule(context, properties); } } catch (ParseException e) { if (!Util.noErrorTrace) { CssParseException ex = new CssParseException(e); ex.skippedString = ""; ex.property = currentProperty; ex.contexts = currentContext; CssError error = new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), ex); ac.getFrame().addError(error); } } if (!Util.noErrorTrace) { Errors errors = ac.getFrame().getErrors(); Warnings warnings = ac.getFrame().getWarnings(); for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.notifyErrors(errors); listener.notifyWarnings(warnings); } } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet * * @param atRule the * @rule that just has been found by the parser in the stylesheet, it is * added to the storage for the output */ public void newAtRule(AtRule atRule) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.newAtRule(atRule); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet * * @param charset the * @charset rule that has been found by the parser */ public void addCharSet(String charset) throws ParseException { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.addCharSet(charset); } Charset c = null; try { c = Charset.forName(charset); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } boolean charsetFromBOM = ac.isCharsetFromBOM(getURL()); if (charsetFromBOM && ac.getCssVersion().compareTo(CssVersion.CSS3) >= 0) { // TODO FIXME proper execption type. throw new ParseException(ac.getMsg().getString("parser.charset")); // CssError cerr = new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), // getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), ex); // ac.getFrame().addError(cerr); } else { Charset originalCharset = ac.getCharsetObjForURL(getURL()); if (originalCharset == null) { ac.setCharsetForURL(getURL(), c); try { ReInit(ac, getURL()); } catch (IOException ioex) { } } else if (c.compareTo(originalCharset) != 0) { InvalidParamException ex = new InvalidParamException("conflicting-charset", new String[]{originalCharset.toString(), charset}, ac); CssError cerr = new CssError(getSourceFile(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn(), ex); ac.getFrame().addError(cerr); } } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet the * * @rule that had been found before is closed here after the content that's * in it. */ public void endOfAtRule() { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.endOfAtRule(); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet * * @param important true if the rule was declared important in the stylesheet */ public void setImportant(boolean important) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.setImportant(important); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet * * @param selectors a list of one or more selectors to be added to the output * stylesheet */ public void setSelectorList(ArrayList selectors) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.setSelectorList(selectors); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet * * @param properties A list of properties that are following eachother in the * stylesheet (for example: all properties in an * @rule) */ public void addProperty(ArrayList properties) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.setProperty(properties); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet used to close a rule when it has * been read by the parser */ public void endOfRule() { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.endOfRule(); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet if an error is found this function * is used to remove the whole stylerule from the memorystructure so that it * won't appear on the screen */ public void removeThisRule() { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.removeThisRule(); } } /** * used for the output of the stylesheet if an error is found this function * is used to remove the whole * * @rule from the memorystructure so that it won't appear on the screen */ public void removeThisAtRule() { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.removeThisAtRule(); } } /** * Adds a vector of properties to a selector. * * @param selector the selector * @param declarations Properties to associate with contexts */ public void handleRule(CssSelectors selector, ArrayList declarations) { for (CssValidatorListener listener : listeners) { listener.handleRule(ac, selector, declarations); } } /** * Return the class name for a property * * @param property the property name ('font-size' for example) * @return the class name ('org.w3c.css.properties.CssFontSize' for example) */ public String getProperty(String property) { return properties.getProperty(property); } /** * Set the style */ public void setStyle(Class style) { ac.setCssSelectorsStyle(style); } public CssFouffa(java.io.InputStream stream) { super(stream); properties = new CssPropertyFactory("css21"); // loadConfig("css2", null); } public CssFouffa(java.io.Reader stream) { super(stream); properties = new CssPropertyFactory("css21"); // loadConfig("css2", null); } public CssFouffa(CssParserTokenManager tm) { super(tm); properties = new CssPropertyFactory("css21"); // loadConfig("css2", null); } public CssFouffa(ApplContext ac, Reader reader) { super(reader); this.ac = ac; properties = new CssPropertyFactory(ac.getPropertyKey()); } }