Added a flag to remove the URI from default error pages as well as the proxy module (avoiding crossscripting attacks) Fixed ServletMapper to do redirect the right way (host parsing). It was interacting with new jdk1.4 ipv6 scan Merged patches from Thomas Kopp concerning servlets: servlet loading, behaviour of SingleThreadModel Reverted 1.3 API calls to 1.2, or used reflection to use jdk1.3 only methods in the push package Added the cache push contribution to the tree Added a specific frame to handle MKCOL and other collection-related WebDAV methods in Jigedit Fixed WebDAV implementation, it now sends all the requested properties in a PROPFIND, with the right statuds for the undefined ones. Modified AclFilter to take benefit of skipBody Added skipBody in Request, it allows a filter to skip an eventual body in a better way than error recovery.