Fixed a lookup bug in ProxyFrame during internal requests. bug fixed in servlet pre-loading. bug fixed in RealmCatalog & AuthRealm bug fixed preventing binding on a specific IP Fixed RelocateFrame so that internal redirect can go through virtual hosts. Fixed a bug in relocate frame preventing query string to be passed to the redirected URI. Fxed HttpAccept so that the contructor now uses the quality factor as it should. Servlet API 2.2 implemented (except the war files features, too file-oriented) Improved StatisticsFrame ServerHandlers are now started in two step, preinit (properties and socket bindings), then run, it fixes a problem with chroot.. Fixed LookupState to use ; in the delimiters for URI JpegComFrame now uses ;type for Content-Location and direct queries HTTPFrame can have multiple index. HTTPFrame can generate index for ContainerResource too. Reindex locally (not recursively) Fixed race condition in resource store loading Fixed init code of AttributeHolder